Our designers and builders love working on basement remodeling projects. No other type of remodel gives unused space purpose and adds value to our client’s homes in quite the same way.
Recently, GC Magazine named Mosaik Design & Remodeling among the best basement remodelers in the country!
GC Magazine selected the top basement remodelers in the US based on their portfolio, recognition and awards, and the scope of services they offer. We’re proud to be among this list of exemplary basement remodelers throughout the nation.
At Mosaik Design & Remodeling, our basement remodels have gained national attention thanks to our 3-step process of preparation, communication, and execution. Once all is said and done, we enhance our award-winning basement designs and construction with impeccable interior design services. All together, we deliver great designs and even better service.
View our portfolio to see some of the incredible basement and other remodels we’ve had the pleasure of working on recently.